OptiPrime 1. The spectral range of this system is 190-1000nm 2. The measurement Spot Size is 50um 3. The sys..
OptiPrime-CD 1. The spectral range of this system is 190-1000nm 2. The measurement Spot Size is 50um 3. The sys..
8000-CD 1. The spectral range of this system is 190-1000nm 2. The measurement Spot Size is 50um 3. The sys..
3700-RT 1. The spectral range of this system is 190-1000nm 2. The reflectence measurement Spot Size is 50um..
5700-CDRT 1. The spectral range of this system is 190-1000nm 2. The reflectence measurement Spot Size is 50um..
Gemini 1. The spectral range of this system is 190-1000nm 2. The reflectence and transmittance measurement..
Olympian 1. The spectral range of this system is 190-15000nm 2. The reflectence and transmittance measuremen..