Metal Organic Source

  • 產品廠牌: Nata
  • 產品簡述: China
  • Product ApplicationIII-V Compounds II-VI Compounds
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Production Flow The manufacturing of MO precursors is mainly falls four parts: synthesis, purification, detecting impurity, filling cylinders. Generally speaking, the usual practice is as below: 1. synthesis; 2. purification; 3. detection of a whole batchof products; 4. filling products cylinders. However, Nata adopts a unique and advanced QC system, that is: 1. Synthesis; 2. purification; 3. directly filling products bubblers on product line; 4. detects eachcylinder of product. It ensures that Nata’s MO precursors are 100% qualified and avoids the possibility of contamination in filling process which may exist in the usual practices mentioned before.